
Digital Media Art Project: Inspiration and Intention

Defining the Digital Media Art Project During the definitions of the Digital Media Art Project (PMAD) we were asked to define two important aspects: Inspiration and Intention.  One way of doing this is following the three axis of the a/r/cographic scheme, that is, defining what we expect for our PMAD in terms of function (ranging from…
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Digital Media Art Project: The Creative Process

The creative process is an essential part within the developments of a digital media art project. For those readers who are first landing here, I recommend you to check first this previous post where I briefly introduce this project (that it has no name yet ????). The methodology that I am following is called a/r/cography (da…
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Image for a digital media art project: drawings result from the live painting session at the Godot Art Bistrot, Avellino, Italy © Lucas Fabian Olivero, 2017

Digital Media Art Project: The Starting Point

This is the first entry aim to document the evolution of my digital media art project. This project is part of the PhD program in Digital Media Art “DMAD” that I’m currently following. Consequently, I will use this digital journal to collect milestones, inspirations, concepts, intentions, advancements, technologies, improvements, etc.  The entries will go forward and back,…
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Anniversaries in Europe, reflections

La fórmula para vivir eternamente

El texto “La fórmula para vivir eternamente” fue publicado originalmente en Facebook el 10/11/2021. Hoy, 28/06/2023, lo comparto nuevamente desde mi sitio web. Hice algunas actualizaciones para mejorar la legibilidad, agregué más fotos, y una versión en inglés para llegar a un público más amplio. Con este texto, celebré 8 años viviendo en Europa. “La…
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Sketch of Gulbenkian's auditorium. Celebration of Calouste Gulbenkian Day. 19 July 2019. © Lufo Art

Calouste Gulbenkian Day – 150 years of Gulbenkian Foundation

The “Calouste Gulbenkian Day” was celebrated on 19 July 2019, an act framed in the 150 years’ celebrations of the Calouste Foundation. The celebration included a playing by their Orchestra, directed by Nuno Coelho.This “Tal Lucas” was there, drawing, and this is the written report of the experience. Meanwhile, I remember that I discovered the beauty of this…
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Ciencia de sentimientos es un poema escrito por Lufo para N. Estas líneas expresan un acto de amor, esa hermosa desesperación uno SIENTE

Ciencia de sentimientos: el perfil alar de tu ojo

Ciencia de sentimientos ternura con razón un leve palpitar viento sin arena. Somos piel somos un cuerpo único palpitamos el mismo corazón estremecimiento carmesí. Lo que hacemos somos hago un hogar en cada rincón de tu cuerpo en cada extensión de tu pelo. Te vibro volamos la curva de tus labios la silueta de tus…
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VR art based on handmade drawings and their innovation

VR handmade drawings: enlarging the view I mentioned the VR art based on handmade drawings on my home page. But, what is it exactly a VR (or 360) drawing? Why am I so interested on them?  I’ll try to explain a bit about it in this article. Although, I must warn you: we will need more than one post!…
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