Month: April 2022

NFT art gallery at OpenSea

Introducing Lufo’s NFT art gallery

Today is a wonderful day: I “inaugurated” my NFT art gallery at OpenSea by loading my first artwork on it. So, are you curious? Let me tell you how did I arrive until here. The NFT community of Proof of Humanity Since January 2022 I’m participating within the community of Proof of Humanity. This project seeks to promote a Universal Basic Income as a way of combating against poverty and inequality. To do so, the project uses cryptocurrencies, and the powerfulness of the blockchain technology running on the net of Ethereum. Within Proof of Humanity, there is a growing community of NFT artists and collectors. Their work is currently expanding to the whole metaverse, promoting artworks and collaborations that help the project. Consequently, these collaborations help to increase the value of the UBI token (the “coin” of the project). You can join or just peek the Telegram chat of the community here. How does this work? Well, basically, there is a collection at OpenSea called $UBI pyromaniac items. The artists collaborating within this collection burn the 50% of the artworks’ profit using the UBI burner. As a consequence, the burn of tokens help increasing the value of the token. POAPs Within the NFT community of Proof of Humanity, I proposed to use Instant as the background motive of a POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol). Luckily, the community took very well the idea and released the first POAP today, announcing it with this twit. These POAPs will be distributed for free to attendees of the community talks in Spanish, which hold every week on the official group of Telegram. Here is how the first POAP looks like: The first POAP for Proof of Humanity using “Instant” © Lufo Art, 2013 Instant as NFT It has been a while since I wanted to create my NFT art gallery at OpenSea. Nevertheless, even if my profile was created on November 2021 I just uploaded my first artwork today… for one reason or another I couldn’t find the time or the space do it ????????‍♂️.  Helping $UBI and Proof of Humanity was a wonderful and nice motivation to do it. However, I must confess that I also have got some help and “a push” forward from the PoH NFT community. Thanks therefore to all of them, and specially to Laura Leticia Lopez (AKA Lety) who will help with the distribution and the promotion of the NFTs.  The idea behind the POAP is to promote the NFT the artwork Instant and to sell it as part of the $UBI pyromaniac items ???? ????. Furthermore, Instant is also the first item of the collection with the concept Memories of the Humanity that I have proposed as a way of gathering artworks. I defined the concept as “an artistic point of view about our human side within the digital world, and about the digital side within the physical world“.  No more words, here the NFT goes! Lufo’s NFT art gallery With the NFT of Instant, I have no more excuses, so now you can visit my NFT art gallery at OpenSea:  I’m very very glad to have started my NFT art gallery. Indeed, I think that as a contemporary and a digital artist this is something not just necessary but almost basic within our days. Hopefully, I will add more artworks soon now that I have a “real excuse” to keep it updated. Finally, if you are interested into participating within the community of PoH, joining the project or knowing more about it, then I recommend you to do three things: First, join the official Telegram groups in English and Spanish. Second, watch these videos from Pablo who explains thoroughly well and step by step all about how to start with crypto, how to join the project and much more. Third, to take a lot of care about scammers! Do never and ever give your seed phrase or follow links that ask you to connect your wallet, and remember that no admin will ever talk you first on private messages. What do you think about NFT art, and the UBI pyromaniac collection? Leave me a comment below, I’m reading you! ???? Have the best day of your life! Tschüss Dr. Luquitas

Artwork Instant © Lufo Art, 2013

Instant, the snapshot of a dream

Instant © Lufo Art, 2013 The artwork Instant was born in 2013 as a proposal for the contest Skywards Future Artists.  According to the contest’s jury, the artwork did not match the requirements, so it was never took in consideration as a candidate. I was sure to have matched all the specifications, and ask them to clarify what was the problem about… but they never replied me back ????. Artwork’s concept With Instant I tried to made possible an impossible vision: the shadows reflected on the other side of where they are supposed to be, the hand ¿opening? ¿closing? around that… ¿building? ¿Device? that is ¿falling? ¿raising?… This artwork is the image of a dream, where everything is confusing and surrealistic, but at the same time totally possible and understandable (for who dreams it).  Instant (process) © Lufo Art, 2013 Context and curiosities When I painted Instant, I was living in a university residence at the very centre of Córdoba, Argentina. The place was simply horrible: I shared room with three more persons, the “bedroom” was very small, maybe even less than 10 m2… The kitchen was something impossible to use and I don’t want to recall the traumatising memories in the bathrooms…. I remember there was the space for two bunk beds and a tiny corridor in the middle, nothing else. To one side, there was a window from which the beautiful eyes of L used to appear for some time… To the other side of the room, there was the door to a bathroom with  double door, shared with another similar room with even more people…. … who knows, maybe when I drew Instant I was wishing just to get out of that place. René Magritte’s artwork In 2017, got such a big surprise when I visited the Musée Magritte in Bruxelles. I was walking among René’s wonderful paintings and enjoying his work when I found a poster project from 1938 that brought me back (or forward?) to 2013 and to Instant. Such a curious coincide, isn’t? Poster project for the Belgian textile workers’ union (La centrale des ouvriers textiles de Belgique) © René Magritte, 1938 What have you done with you artwork Luquitas? The original drawing finished at the hands of a person that used to do my days happier: A. I remember that I knew that she was going to pass through Córdoba’s bus main station for some and stop there before heading to her city again. When I knew it, I ran to the station to meet her, and I brought the drawing with me. Without even thinking it, I gave her the drawing, feeling that she was going to be someone who would appreciated it. I hope that I was not wrong although I never knew what was the final fate of Instant. In another occasions (after and before 2013), I drew spots from the city with A, sharing beautiful moments of expression and silence with her. I saw her a couple of years ago again, but sadly after that last meeting our connection “vanished” up to the point that we never talked again… Well, at least I have a wonderful digital version of Instant. Actually, I have used this digital version to create my very first NFT art gallery at OpenSea. Closing The artwork Instant has had many interpretations from friends and art lovers. There are no few persons that see explicit sexual components on it: a vagina, even a penis in the place of the thumb. Honestly, I am not aware of willing to include such expression but, in the end, how to be sure? Does it matter?  I know that I wanted to mix several words: the reminiscences of the Sagrada Familia that I saw for the first time two years before this painting, the vernacular architecture of the Amalfi Coast from Italy, the expression of the eyes that enjoy what the mind is creating… What do you see in Instant? Write me below, don’t be shy! ???? Have the best day of your life! Tschüss Dr. Luquitas

Digital Media Art Project: Inspiration and Intention

Defining the Digital Media Art Project During the definitions of the Digital Media Art Project (PMAD) we were asked to define two important aspects: Inspiration and Intention.  One way of doing this is following the three axis of the a/r/cographic scheme, that is, defining what we expect for our PMAD in terms of function (ranging from conformist to disruptive), skill (ranging from ineptitude to mastery) and aesthetics (ranging from indifferent to passionate). These three axis, let us remember, define a three-dimensional space in which we can position a PMAD according to the a/r/cographic methodology (de Veiga, 2019). Function First of all, I would like my PMAD to represent a different way of doing things. Meaning, that I point to have a disruptive rather than a conformist function. What is this disruption based on?  Ironically (for a digital media art project), this disruption is based on the denial of digital technology. Well, not a full and frontal denial, but a temporary detachment: we take a step side, we reflect, and then we come back to be all our way within the digital medium.  Let me explain myself better: this research is focused on the Hybrid Immersive Models (HIM). A HIM is a mixture of physical and digital media composed of: a spherical perspective drawing (an anamorphosis), a virtual environment, and a physical polyhedron (e.g. a sphere or a cube). Both the virtual environment and the physical polyhedron are created from the original drawing. In turn, the drawing can be physical or digital, but it has the primary characteristic of being created methodically by the draftsman, i.e. not obtained automatically by an algorithm, but thought out and constructed element by element through logical relations and deductions.  Panoramas within the digital In the (purely) digital process, a panoramic picture can be created (for example) by the following workflows:  Creation of a 3D model -> Automated generation of the panorama Collection of points with a laser scanner -> Positioning of the points within a 3D matrix -> Projection to an observation centre -> Automated generation of the panorama In both cases, the artist will most likely not understand how the panoramic image was generated. Although this is not something bad (we do need to know about microelectronics to use the computer!), one implication of this is that by the moment in which the trusted software goes out of circulation, the artist may find himself as a tool-dependent-artist. Panoramas within HIM On the other hand, on a HIM the panoramic image is created element by element, using a different way of thinking: whoever builds a panorama does it thinking about its components, relating, grouping, manipulating and understanding them. A guarantee of this is that what is not understood from a spherical perspective results evident in the virtual product.  A HIM is a process that forces* logical thinking, spatial understanding and the correlation between a certain space and its representation. In other words, a HIM gathers the analogy between the model that the person has in the mind and the immersive visual result of its representation. If you want to learn more about handmade panoramas you can read this entry. This research aims to investigate how a HIM is thought, nurtured and positioned from and among the concepts of digital art itself. The very genesis of a HIM is associated with computer technology, since without the digital it would not be possible to create, visualise, or create the virtual environment or other essential components of a HIM. In other words, we are not dealing with the digitisation of an existing analogue process, but with a model that is native to both the physical and digital domains. *A small note: this “forcing” situation is actually during the first phase, like when one learns to drive a car. After the mechanism has been incorporated, one does not “think” about it as much, and one can release more of one’s “creative libertarian drive”. It is clear that not all of us are obliged to think, but not all of us are obliged not to think either.  Skill As for the skill axis, I aim for the PMAD to cover the full length of the axis. That is to say, I expect to cover the needs and expectations of both those who fully understand how spherical perspectives work, as well as those who are seeing them for the first time. This is an ambitious goal, but a likely one, since what the artefact should have is an interactive form of visualisation that shows the correspondence between what happens in the flat drawing and the virtual environment. Therefore, a new user who “plays” at drawing will begin to understand the basic principles from the practice itself. Instead, the advanced user will know already what to do, and it will go to the maximum of what the PMAD can give. Aesthetics Finally, on the aesthetic axis, I am all fire and passion as artist, but I am also a slow burner one. Therefore, I would like the PMAD to be supported by a striking, colourful, electric, but smoothly paced visual experience, where images flow “at a human pace” (like walking through a forest) rather than “at a breakneck pace” (like trailers).  In this sense, the interaction with the virtual environment will be fundamental, as it stimulates the person to “be within the art”. For this, I draw inspiration from projects that I have already mentioned in this post, such as “Sketching in Space”, which solve excellently well what I have in my head for my PMAD, although they do it with pure digital technology.   Closing The PMAD that we are exploring (and discovering) begins to be less than a nebulous definition. Some objectives and definitions are becoming clearer, such as its function, aesthetic and skill intentions. This, plus the definitions presented at the MIPA (Methodology of Research and Artistic Practice) module, the roadmap to follow is beginning to take shape.  Bibliography da Veiga, P. A. (2019). A/r/Cography: Art, Research and Communication. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. Association for Computing Machinery.…
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