Academic Research

Lufo's academic research

Here you can find an updated list of my academic research. So, here you will find book sections, journal articles, congress papers, presentations, exhibitions and books’ editions. 

This collection of articles starts with lukewarm papers written since 2010 as “intuitive” investigation. Then, it passes through the theory and practice for drawing in cubical perspective (period 2017-2021). 

From 2021 on, the publications are focused in the field of digital arts, reflecting the progress of a second PhD yet in course. In particular, with these articles I seek the development of the theoretical background, guidelines, good practices, algorithms, and case studies for immersive drawing. 

Hopefully, my academic research will contribute to the debate in the field of drawing. And why not, also to generate new methods for immersive representation systems: new ways of drawing that are currently coming to the light in their full potential.

Images from articles

Academic research. Image from the article "A Descriptive Geometry Construction of VR panoramas in Cubical Spherical Perspective" CC Lucas Fabian Olivero, 2020
Image from the article "A Descriptive Geometry Construction of VR panoramas in Cubical Spherical Perspective" CC Lucas Fabian Olivero, 2020

👉🏻 Full article available for download here 

Academic research. Image from the article "Spazi digitali e modelli immersivi: applicazioni di prospettiva cubica" CC Lucas Fabian Olivero, 2021
Image from the article "Spazi digitali e modelli immersivi: applicazioni di prospettiva cubica" CC Lucas Fabian Olivero, 2021

👉🏻 Full article available for download here


Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (Eds.). (2023). KUI ’23: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality (ACM). Association for Computing Machinery.
Olivero, L. F., Veiga, P. A. da, Araújo, A. B., Silva, B. M. da, & Dourado, P. (Eds.). (2023). ARTECH ’23: 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ACM). Association for Computing Machinery.
Olivero, L. F. (2023). Spheri v1. A body tracking artefact to interact with spherical perspective drawings made on-the-fly. Proceedings of ACM ARTECH Conference (ARTECH2023). 11th international conference on digital and interactive arts, Faro Portugal.
Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (2023). Enhancing the Teaching of Spherical Perspective with Spheri. Proceedings of KUI 2023 Conference. XX International Conference on Culture and Computer Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
Araújo, A. B., Olivero, L. F., & Masiero Sgrinzatto, C. (2022, November 22). Drawing Handmade Virtual Reality panoramas [Drawing Workshop]. ArtsIT - Arts and Technology Conference 2022, Faro, Portugal.
Olivero, L. F. (2022, November 21). [IN]Musicality v3 at ArtsIT 2022 [Shared exhibition]. EAI ArtsIT 2022 - 11th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation, Faro, Portugal.
Olivero, L. F. (2022, November 17). [IN]Musicality v3 at CLB Berlin [Shared exhibition]. Ubiquitous Music + [IN]Musicality at the CLB Space, Berlin, Germany.
Olivero, L. F. (2022, August 12). Preview IMWYM 3rd edition [9:16].
Olivero, L. F. (2022, July 12). I’m Watching You/Me 2: [IN]Musicality [Shared exhibition]. Retiro DMAD 2022, Loulé, Portugal.
Olivero, L. F. (2022, June 16). I’m Watching You/Me (IMWYM): [IN]musicality [Video recording].
Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (2022). Desiderata for a Performative Hybrid Immersive Drawing Platform. I-Com, 21(1), 33–53.
Olivero, L. F. (2022). Methodological definitions for the art-practice-based research Handmade Immersive Art. ARTeFACTo 2022: Emerging Extended Realities. 3rd International Conference on Digital Creation in Arts, Media, and Technology, Macao, China.
Olivero, L. F. (2022). [IN]Musicality: a collection of VR drawings and music as an artistic application of Hybrid Immersive Models. ArtsIT 2022. EAI ArtsIT 2022 - 11th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation, Faro, Portugal.
Araújo, A. B., & Olivero, L. F. (2022). How to Draw a Virtual Cubical Perspective Box. In D. Reimann, D. Norton, & E. Torrence (Eds.), Proceedings of Bridges 2022: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture (pp. 475–480). Tessellations Publishing.
Olivero, L. F. (2022). Lucas Fabian Olivero’s CV. Lufo Art.
Olivero, L. F. (2022). Academic research - Updated list of articles. Lufo Art.
Olivero, L. F. (2021, November 29). Investigación, arte o arquitectura? Una reflexión sobre el rol de la investigación en las disciplinas gráficas [Keynote Lecture]. 2°da. Jornada de Pensamiento Visual y Comunicación. Laboratorio de Experimentación Gráfica Proyectual del Habitar LEGRAPH - 29 y 30 de Noviembre 2021, La Plata, Argentina.
Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (2021, October 13). I’m watching you/me. Live drawing and VR visualization of spherical perspectives. Contingency - ARTECH 2021, Aveiro, Portugal.
Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (2021, September 14). Dibujo 360 para arquitectos y artistas [Keynote Lecture]. TAC - Tecnología, Arquitectura y Comunicación - Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, La Plata, Argentina.
Olivero, L. F., Araújo, A. B., & Rossi, A. (2021). Reconstruction of St. Michael’s Church, Hildesheim in cubical perspective. Nexus 20/21 - Retationships between Architecture and Mathematics, 239–244.
Olivero, L. F. (2021). Hybrid Immersive Models from Cubical Perspective Drawings - Modelli Ibridi Immersivi da Disegni in Prospettiva Cubica [PhD Thesis, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli].
Rossi, A., Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (2021). For Representation, a New Reality: Hybrid Immersive Models. In P. Magnaghi-Delfino, G. Mele, & T. Norando (Eds.), Faces of Geometry: II Edition (pp. 263–275). Springer International Publishing.
Lopes, M. M., Bastos, P. B., Araújo, A. B., Olivero, L. F., & Adérito, F. M. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of ACM ARTECH conference (ARTECH2021) - 10th international conference on digital and interactive arts. ACM Press.
Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (2021). I’m watching you/me. Live drawing and VR visualization of spherical perspectives using TouchDesigner. Proceedings of ACM ARTECH Conference (ARTECH2021). 10th international conference on digital and interactive arts, Aveiro Portugal.
Rossi, A., Olivero, L. F., & Araújo, A. B. (2021). Spazi digitali e modelli immersivi: applicazioni di prospettiva cubica. CONNETTERE | CONNECTING Un Disegno per Annodare e Tessere | Drawing for Weaving Relationships, 2621–2642.
Olivero, L. F., Araújo, A. B., & Rossi, A. (2020). Applications of Cubical Perspective in Architecture, Engineering and Product Design. In M. Fátima Silva, M. A. Carreira, E. Negas, & R. Seco (Eds.), 4.o Seminário Internacional de Arquitectura e Matemática (Universidade Lusíada, Vol. 1, pp. 63–86). Universidade Lusíada.
Araújo, A. B., Olivero, L. F., & Rossi, A. (2020). A Descriptive Geometry Construction of VR panoramas in Cubical Spherical Perspective. Diségno, 6, 35–46.
Araújo, A. B., Olivero, L. F., & Rossi, A. (2019). Boxing the Visual Sphere: towards a systematic solution of the cubical perspective. REFLECTIONS the Art of Drawing | the Drawing of Art, 33–40.
Olivero, L. F., Rossi, A., & Barba, S. (2019). A codification of cubical projection for the generation of immersive models. Diségno, 4, 53–63.
Olivero, L. F., & Sucurado, B. (2019). Analogical immersion: discovering spherical sketches between subjectivity and objectivity. ESTOA. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca, 8(16), 47–59.
Araújo, A. B., Olivero, L. F., & Antinozzi, S. (2019). HIMmaterial: exploring new hybrid media for immersive drawing and collage. In P. Arantes, V. J. Sá, P. A. Da Veiga, & F. M. Adérito (Eds.), Proceedings of ACM ARTECH conference (ARTECH2019) (pp. 247–251). ACM Press.
Olivero, L. F. (2018, October 3). 360 Points of View [Art Exhibition]. Passo Duomo, Salerno, Italy.
Olivero, L. F. (2018, July 22). Elizabete Balçus: They’re coming [360° VR video] [VR].
Olivero, L. F. (2018, January 21). 360 Points of View [Art Exhibition]. Eco Bistrot, Salerno, Italy.
Rossi, A., & Olivero, L. F. (2018). Immersive models from analogical sketches applied to Solimene’s Factory. VII Congreso Internacional y XV Congreso Nacional de Expresión Gráfica En Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines, 55.
Barba, S., Rossi, A., & Olivero, L. F. (2018). CubeME, a variation for an immaterial rebuilding. Rappresentazione / Materiale / Immateriale. Drawing as (in)Tangible Representation, 31–36.
Olivero, L. F. (2017, October 3). Live art painting sessions [Art Exhibition]. Godot Bistrot, Avellino Italy.
Ferraris, R., Barba, S., & Olivero, L. F. (2014). La bitácora de viaje: aprehensión y transferencia en los procesos de aprendizaje. In Á. Melián García (Ed.), El dibujo de viaje de los arquitectos. Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Olivero, L. F. (2012). Dibujando, aprendiendo, enseñando. IV Congreso Internacional y IX Congreso Nacional de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines, 424–430.
Olivero, L. F., Utrera, G., Aldapi, J., & Lafourcade, S. (2010). Propuesta 08. In M. I. Rucq (Ed.), Publicación Workshop El discurso de la Sombra. FAPyD. UNR. (UNR Editora, pp. 89–93). Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño.
Olivero, L. F., Alí, M., Zucotti, A. B., & Ferraris, V. (2010). Los bits del lápiz y el grafito del pixel. III Congreso Internacional y VII Congreso Nacional de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines, 224–228.
Adérito, F. M., Araújo, A. B., & Olivero, L. F. (Eds.). (n.d.). Special Issue on Digital Media Artefacts - Hybrid Praxis. International Journal of Art, Culture, Design, and Technology, 11.

Just in case...

These publications are the result of my academic research about drawingApart of research, I do many other things as well, you can find an extended bio here and here.

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Some of these articles have limitations from the editors and therefore it is not possible to share them openly. In case of needing some of these articles write me.
