[IN]musicality is an artistic installation that explores, exhibits and plays with spherical perspectives. The exhibition includes an interactive experience about how do we see the music, and a live application of the software within a drawing workshop given by António Bandeira Araújo. More information here. Creative process of IMWYM 2nd edition: here.
13 to 15/10/2019
The exhibition introduced the artefact I'm Watching You/Me for converting spherical drawings into VR environments on-the-fly. In addition to Lufo's drawings there were also exhibited artworks from António Bandeira Araújo and from students of TAC (Technology, Architecture and Communication), Faculty of Architecture, National University of La Plata, Argentina (Professors: Tania Zuccari and Analía Jara. Students: Jimena Junco, Julian Alcalde, Marcelo Alcacer, Agustina Castellini, Maria Pilar Ramos, Nadia Luengo, Catalina Vilas, Katherine Tantalean Rosas, Juan Pablo Simonini, Jimena Sierra, Martin Roque, Rocío Filoni, Pedro Troyano, Ramiro Antonini, Celina Giustozzi). There are two articles talking about the artefact: "I’m watching you/me. Live drawing and VR visualization of spherical perspectives using TouchDesigner" and "Desiderata for a Performative Hybrid Immersive Drawing Platform"
23 to 25/10/2019, Braga (Portugal)
The exhibition included VR artworks from handmade drawings both in equirectangular and cubical perspective + Physical spheres and cubes created from the same drawings + Visualisation of painted scenes in virtual reality modality with VR standalone headsets + Lecture of the paper "HIMmaterial: exploring new hybrid media for immersive drawing and collage".
10 to 25/03/2018, Salerno (Italy)
The exhibition included VR artworks from handmade drawings in equirectangular perspective + Physical spheres created from the same drawings + Visualisation of painted scenes in virtual reality modality with VR standalone headsets + Personal collection of artworks with surrealist, figurative and abstract expressions.
21/01 to 15/02/2018, Salerno (Italy)
The exhibition included VR artworks from handmade drawings in equirectangular perspective + Physical spheres created from the same drawings + Visualisation of painted scenes in virtual reality modality with VR standalone headsets + Personal collection of artworks with surrealist, figurative and abstract expressions.