Category: Mitte

Mitte, the first two-vanishing points conical perspective of my Escher-like drawings collection © Lufo Art, 2023


Mitte, the first two-vanishing points conical perspective of my Escher-like drawings collection © Lufo Art, 2023 Name: Mitte Dimensions: DIN A3 (420 x 297 mm) Technique: Handmade two-vanishing points perspective in ink and watercolour Year: 2023 The story behind Mitte, the first two-vanishing points perspective of my Escher-like drawings collection What is MITTE?   Huge, busy, chaotic and artistic, Mitte is the central neighbourhood of Berlin, capital of Germany. You can find there the famous historical Brandburger Gate (also called ¨Peace Gate¨ for the time of unification of Berlin East and West), the Museum Island´s art institutions, as well as a series of labyrinthine courtyards, between many other things.  The artwork Mitte began as an exploration of perspective techniques. This study focuses on the use of both parallel and conical projections to create Escher-like paradoxes. Either if you do or you do not know M.C. Escher, I recommend you to read this article. Indeed, after having encountered certain ambiguities during a 360º drawing using conical projections, I decided to “go back” to the basics and to study first the Escher-like effects in parallel perspectives before transitioning to conical perspectives. After the first drawings of the collection using parallel perspectives (Deconstructing Berlin, Labyrinth 01, Labyrinth 02…), and the first one-vanishing point conical perspective (Impossible Things), Mitte appeared as the first two-vanishing point conical perspective of the collection during one of my creative meetings in Berlin.  The artwork was completed after three sessions: the first one was dedicated to the drawing’s skeleton, the second to the first watercolour layer, and the third session to refine colours and shadows for a more unified and geometrically clear piece. The result is a vibrant yet chaotic expression with different possible readings or, in other words, Mitte itself! This piece was a significant addition to my collection, being the first two-vanishing point perspective with Escher-like effects dedicated to a Berlin neighbourhood. Are you interested in buying this artwork? Do you have questions about it? Write me a message using the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Country *Name of the artwork *Are you interested in buying: * Original Copy (Digital Print) Personalised Copy (Original watercolour on top of a printed outline) Your message * Submit The Creative Process Discover how did I create this two-vanishing points perspective through three sessions of creative meetings. During these encounters, I worked surrounded by the company of excellent friends, coffee and cakes, in different cafés of Berlin. Mitte III . Last session (173) 22/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Today I finished Mitte, another work… Read More lufoartJune 22, 2023 Mitte session II . Video (171) 20/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Yesterday I promised to upload the… Read More lufoartJune 20, 2023 Mitte session II (170) 19/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 After doing the structure of Mitte… Read More lufoartJune 19, 2023 Mitte – I (166) 15/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Whoever has followed my work during… Read More lufoartJune 15, 2023 Check other artworks Mitte Elizabete: Hat, Fruit or Flute?

Mitte (III) Last session

Mitte III . Last session (173)

22/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Today I finished Mitte, another work of the Escher-like collection I’m doing, the 1st one using two vanishing points, and the 1st one dedicated to a Berlin neighbourhood. Here are the previous sessions: I confess that I am very satisfied with the result. As you can see, the work has changed radically with respect to the first colouring session. Now, instead of having a carnival of colours in the background, it has become more uniform and with fewer tones. I mean, the drawing is still very colourful but with many unified spots, which gives a clearer vision of the geometry. Today’s creative meeting was at the lovely Coffee Pony in Schöneberg. N., M. and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon, and got a wonderful table near the window (thanks guys!). Tomorrow I’ll try to scan the drawing although I probably won’t get to print it before the markets BECAUSE… … because there is a wonderful surprise for you all 👀…. What would it be, what would it be Lufo, tell us about it! Well, I can only say…. But tell me dear reader… What do you think of the new Mitte artwork?What do you think my surprise might be about? Good evening ☕️🥮 NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻 here 👈🏻

Mitte session II . Video (171)

20/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Yesterday I promised to upload the time lapse video of the 2nd session of #Mitte. So here I am, keeping my word. Today was a very calm but productive day. It started with a beautiful rain, the kind that rains like vertical waterfalls with big drops almost noiselessly. The morning had been very humid, so the rain plus a little wind helped a lot to make the atmosphere fresher. I took advantage of that atmosphere to write a few paragraphs for an article I am preparing, while sipping my morning coffee and watching the green of the park in front of me. When I left the house it stopped raining, and when I came out of the subway, half an hour later, the humidity had risen again to 50000% 🫠. I spent the afternoon at a place I’ll call G. for now (you may hear more often about this place soon 👀). Initially, I had hoped to finish Mitte today, but when I arrived at this place the table I planned to use was occupied. So I gave up on my initial plan, kept writing some more paragraphs and then edited the video… But tell me dear reader… Do you like the picture in this video better, with the drawing more stable?Or do you prefer the drawing to rotate more often, to make the video more dynamic? Good night 🐿️💧 NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻 here 👈🏻

Mitte session II 01

Mitte session II (170)

19/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 After doing the structure of Mitte a couple of days ago, today I did the first watercolour session. You will say: wait a minute, where is the time lapse video? Well, I have the recordings but I’m too tired to edit it today. You may wonder why I feel this way… I can tell you that my morning started late (very late!) and then I had a totally unexpected meeting that could give a new future to Lufo Art. So, I could start painting just after that meeting, more exactly at 14:30. I spent lovely 5 hours in Weinerei Forum, near Rosenthaler Platz, a place I got to know thanks to T. a couple of months ago. During the whole session, I had the wonderful company of N.: we ate, drank coffee and talked about life. On my way home something super nice happened: I was in the U-bahn and I took my drawing out of the folder to look at the results again. Then, a random person spoke to me to say nice things about my art…. You can’t imagine how good does that feel! Tomorrow I will edit the video and I will share it with you all… But tell me dear reader… What do you think about the result?How was your Monday? Good evening 🚈🛸 NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻 here 👈🏻

Mitte – I (166)

15/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Whoever has followed my work during the last months and has some knowledge of perspective, will have noticed that I have gone through different systems of representation while playing with Escher-like effects. It all started when I tried to bring these paradoxes into a 360° drawing called Paradoxes. The attempt was put on hold due to an ambiguity that I noticed and tried to understand theoretically right after. Because of this problem, I went back to the starting point: parallel perspectives. I did some explorations using 30º/60º and 45º parallel perspectives: However, the problem I encountered lies in the use of conical perspectives. So, after familiarising myself with certain things about parallel perspectives I wanted to give them a try. In fact, in Impossible Things I used a conical perspective with one vanishing point. Today it was the turn of a conical perspective with two vanishing points. I chose this topic for today’s creative meeting in our beloved FREA Bakery… a wonderful meeting by the way! With the lovely company of Cintia, Nacho, Tineke, and a new member: Max, a very talented draughtsman from Italy. But tell me dear reader… What do you think of these explorations?Did you like the camera set-up? Good evening 🪜🪆 NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻 here 👈🏻