Tag: Germany

Running all Day I

Running all Day I (194)

Today I’ll introduce you the session I of “Running all Day”, my new drawing. Keep reading to know how this artwork was born…. 26/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 June, as the month of movement Some weeks ago I started a new drawing that, for several reasons, I couldn’t share until today. Among those reasons I can say that June was a convulsive month, with ups and downs after the hack I suffered in which I lose my web3 profile. Also due to this reason, I jumped some days on my daily posts that I’m still trying to get back on track. June was also the month in which new things came: the opening of my physical atelier/shop/gallery at the Berlin Workstadt, which was a big decision to take. Also, the travel I did for my birthday that nicely distracted me a bit. And finally, the fact that for different reasons the creative meetings started to get less frequents, and with that also my productivity. In any case, I didn’t give it a second thought to these reduction of my creative and sharing activities: I want to keep the idea of the daily posts and the creative meetings as a something really spontaneous that gives me pleasure, right as they were born. But let’s jump into the drawing. Running all Day (I) Running all Day was born from listening to the music of Nodarling. The guitarist and singer of the band, Quique del Bianco, also sells his drawings at the Mauerpark. His stand is in front of mine and every Sunday I have the pleasure to exchange a couple of ideas and nice words with him. In one of those conversations Quique mentioned Nodarling. The day after, I listened to their last album: Space Rider during my creative breakfast at the Unser Café. I was shocked by their music, an energetic psychedelic rock with all the power and strength of an exciting space trip. Quite an experience! I didn’t know what to do when I started the drawing… I just had in mind to do a three vanishing point drawing so to keep completing the collection with Escher-like effects that I started to explore with A Wizard Without a Shadow and How Many Perspectives Are There? (see a partial collection of these artworks here. However, I drop some lines, and the music did the rest, here is the result: But tell me dear reader… How do you like my new drawing?Have you heard Nodarling before? Good night 🛸🤘🏻

M6 Landsberger Allee

M6 Landsberger Allee (193)

M6 Landsberger Allee is a (sort of) urban sketch that I did while travelling in Berlin using the tram M6 and the Ring Bahn S41. Here its story: 12/07/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Taking the M6 tram at Lansberger Allee This morning I opened the Berlin Workstadt and took my shift until 13. The morning was calm and uneventful, just a couple of persons entered but nothing really big happened. As the morning was calm, I replied some emails and then worked on an app that I’m developing (nothing really fancy, just something for taking care of my finances and the markets). Also during the morning, I coordinated with two persons offering things through the group Free Your Stuff Berlin. First, with a girl that offered a Matisse painting in an aluminium frame, and second with a guy offering some colour cardboards that I can certainly use for the markets. After my shift at the Berlin Workstadt, I headed my way to the house of Alex and Ono in Prenzlauer Berg. These fellas are two beautiful cats that I sit from time to time since August 2021. I spent the afternoon with them, working a little bit more. Then I headed my destination to pick up the painting and the cardboards. During my trip, I started to draw on my phone, initially just faces and then capturing the people around me. I took the two pictures without the authorisation of the involved subjects, who where so concentrated on their phones that they didn’t even realise I drew them, right as that guy on the M2 that I drew time ago. The stuff and some surprises The Matisse print is bigger than I imaged, around 1,2m wide and 40 cm high. Initially, I thought I’d re use the frame for one of my paintings. But now that I see the image called “Women and Monkeys“, I’m considering to keep it, it is a really nice composition. When I arrived to the second point, the guy who received me saw me with the big frame and immediately offered me more frames and paintings. Of course, I was very curious to see what we had. In the end, I finished picking up a big frame of 1×0.7m and a smaller squared frame of around 40 cm that I’d probably use for (Labyrinth 01). But tell me dear reader… I insist with this question: would you be upset if I draw you without your consent?Do you have cats? Good evening 🐈‍⬛🐈 Lufo

Happy 38th Birthday: celebrating in Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland 🇵🇱

Felices 38 años (182)

El post de hoy es sobre mis felices primeros 38 años 🫶🏻🍰🎁 … Pero también sobre una maravillosa noticia para Lufo Art! 👀👇🏻 01/07/2023, Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Polonia 🇵🇱 Cambio de planes Hoy tenía pensado hacer un post mucho más extenso, preparado y bonito. Pero la verdad es que son las 22:42, ya estoy un poco cansado, y mañana voy al Mauerpark, así que tengo que ser breve si quiero descansar bien. Me limitaré a comentarles las buenas nuevas, que ampliaré a gusto y placer a partir del próximo martes. ¡Las grandes noticias! Hoy tengo dos grandes novedades para ustedes: 1 – Felices 38 años Hoy se cumplen 38 años desde el día que llegué a esta tierra, así que ¡Felices 38 años para mi! 38 años no suenan a mucho, pero ¡qué cantidad de cosas que pasaron! … Y uso “felices” en serio, porque si la huesuda me viniera a visitar esta noche se llevaría a un Lucas feliz y satisfecho de haber intentado todo cuánto pudo y quiso… y más también! 2 – Lufo Art ahora tiene un espacio físico A partir de hoy, Lufo Art tiene un espacio físico, mezcla de atelier, galería y comercio. El sitio se llama Berlin Workstadt, y está ubicado en la excelente posición de Brunnenstraße 26, muy cerquita de la parada Rosenthaler Platz. Allí estaré, a partir del próximo martes 04/07, no solamente con una exposición permanente y vendiendo mis dibujos durante la semana, sino que también produciendo más material y dedicándome de lleno a todo ello. Mucho amor A partir del momento que comuniqué estas dos novedades en Instagram esta mañana, recibí TANTO, pero tanto amor, saludos, mensajes, fotos y llamadas, que todavía tengo varias conversaciones sin responder. A todos y todas, GRACIAS INMENSAS. La alegría que siento mi estimada lectora no tiene nombre… Comenzar con el espacio físico el día de mi cumpleaños es más que significativo, cruce usted los dedos para que las cosas marchen bien! Tengo un espacio físico para vender mi arte nada más y nada menos que en Berlín… mi sueño…! Mañana le cuento sobre mi último día en Kostrzyn nad Odrą y un poco más sobre el nuevo espacio físcio. Por ahora le dejo un dibujo que hice en Rehfelde, un pueblo minúsculo donde comí hoy volviendo de Polonia. Pero dígame estimada lectora… ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta recibir para su cumpleaños?¿Se da una vueltita a visitarme a la galería? Buenas noches 🖼🎂 Lufo

Felices 38

Happy 38th Birthday (182)

Happy 38th Birthday Lucas!!!! 🫶🏻🍰🎁 … But in today’s post there is much more than my happy 38th birthday my dear reader. Keep reading to find out about the great news for Lufo Art! 01/07/2023, Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland 🇵🇱 Change of plans Today I had planned to make a much more extensive, prepared and beautiful post. But the truth is that it’s 22:42, I’m already a bit tired, and tomorrow I’m going to Mauerpark, so I have to be brief if I want to have a good rest. I will limit the post to tell you the good news, which I will expand on at my leisure and pleasure from next Tuesday onwards. The big news! There are two big news: 1 – Happy 38th Birthday Today, the earth has made 38 turns around the sun since the day I arrived on this earth. So, Happy 38th Birthday to me! 38 years doesn’t sound like a lot, but what a lot of things happened! And when I say “happy” I mean it, because if the reaper would come to visit me tonight she would take with her a happy and satisfied Lucas. A Lucas that have tried everything he could and wanted… and more too! 2 – Lufo Art has now a physical shop As of today, Lufo Art has a physical space, a mixture of gallery, shop and workshop. The place is called Berlin Workstadt, and is located in the excellent position of Brunnenstraße 26, very close to the Rosenthaler Platz stop. From next Tuesday 04/07 on, I will be there, not only with a permanent exhibition and selling my drawings during the week, but also producing more material and dedicating myself fully to it. Lots of love From the moment I communicated these two news on my Instagram this morning, I received SO much love, greetings, messages, photos and calls, that I still have several unanswered conversations. To all of you, IMMENSE THANKS! The joy I feel my dear reader has no name…. To start with a physical space on my birthday is more than significant. Cross your fingers that things go well! And then I think: I have a physical space to sell my art, in Berlin, no less…. my dream…! Tomorrow I will tell you about my last day in Kostrzyn nad Odrą and a bit more about the new space. For now, I leave you a drawing I made in Rehfelde, a tiny village where I ate today coming back from Poland. But tell me dear reader… What is the best gift you could receive for your birthday?Will you come to visit me in the gallery? Good evening 🖼🎂 Lufo

Küstriner Polenmarkt

Half a kilo of strawberries (181)

Hello dear reader, do you want to know how I ended up eating half a kilo of strawberries by myself? In today’s post I’ll tell you about it and some other experiences in Kostrzyn nad Odrą, while the adventure in Poland continues. 30/06/2023, Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland 🇵🇱 Everything starts with a good breakfast Today has been a very calm but also a very productive day. I started with a wonderful breakfast: the hotel I’m staying in has a bar and a bakery downstairs. The breakfast is included and served in there. I can say that is as good as the ones I have during my creative breakfasts in Berlin. In fact, for a moment I thought about bringing my drawing stuff and spending a few hours doing some art. Actually, I missed yesterday’s weekly meeting because I was here. However, for the sake of art and friendship N., T. and M. met in Friedrischain even though I wasn’t present, well done guys! In any case, this morning I thought about drawing but didn’t do it. The deadline for submitting the article I mentioned yesterday is very close, so I concentrated on that instead of the drawing. It was a good choice: I wrote for a couple of hours and then left my hotel around 12. The fishermen But, as I still felt like drawing, I went for a walk to get to know Kostrzyn a bit better and with my sketchbook at hand. I headed west, as if I would be going back to Germany. As I was crossing one of the branches of the Oder, I saw two fishermen on the river bank. I immediately stood up and started to draw them. They stood very still (as all fishermen usually do when fishing) and thanks to that I drew them calmly. However, when I wanted to take a picture of the drawing and the scene, one of them caught something. He quickly got up to catch his prey and right after both of them started to prepare their things to leave the place. So, as you can see in the photo, I never got the same picture again Küstriner Polenmarkt I also knew that in Kostrzyn there is a big flea market. That was actually my destination point. After leaving the fishermen I walked a little further and found it on my left. I won’t say that what I found was super interesting. I was expecting to see more handicrafts or “local” stuff. But what I found was mostly cigarettes, industrial clothes and shoes, and a few places to eat. I read some reviews about the market before I went, and they were pretty accurate: half of the stalls are empty, and there are hardly any people (especially compared to the markets I do). It seems that the pandemic had a big impact and the market has never recovered since then. In any case, I bought some very fresh and juicy strawberries, a T-shirt and decided to have lunch there. Before the food arrived, I took my sketchbook and made another quick drawing of the market. Once I had my food, I ate very slowly, reading (again) Jules Verne’s “A Trip to the Moon”. By the moment I’m writing these lines, all strawberries are gone 😜 But tell me dear reader… What makes a strawberry more attractive: red or green?Have you read any of Verne’s books? Good evening 🍓🌝 Lufo

On my way to Kostrzyn nad Odrą

Kostrzyn nad Odrą (180)

Greetings from Kostrzyn nad Odrą my dear reader! In today’s post I’ll tell you how come I’m in Poland and I’ll give you some spoilers about the BIG THINGS coming up for Lufo Art starting from July 1st 😏👀 29/06/2023, Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland 🇵🇱 The travel to Kostrzyn nad Odrą This morning I got up at 6 am, prepared my backpack and headed this way. It took me just over 2 hours to get here: U7 to Neukölln, S42 to Südkreuz, regional train RE26 to Küstrin-Kietz, and finally a short bus to Kostrzyn nad Odrą. You will probably never choose Kostrzyn nad Odrą as a tourist destination. Maybe that’s why I came here. Or not. Maybe I only came because Kostrzyn is the first town after the German border on this route, which is very convenient when you have the Deutschland ticket, valid for the whole country. In fact, last year – more or less during the same dates – I made almost the same trip. I also did it with the Germany-wide ticket, it was only 9 euros at that time!. Instead of Kostrzyn, in 2022 I went to Frankfurt am Oder, crossed the border to Poland by walking across the bridge between the two countries, and stayed in Słubice. The tradition for my birthday and New Year’s Eve Travelling on this date has a special meaning for me: it is part of my tradition of celebrating both my birthday (01/07) and New Year’s Eve in a different place every year. I have been doing it since 2011 (at least). I have managed to keep it up even during the pandemic. One day I’ll do the full list to share it with you… Why did I choose this place? I’ll be honest: because of the hotel. Sometimes I choose randomly according to the price of tickets. Other times I choose to visit friends and go to their cities, like that time when I went to the small town of Lappeenranta in Finland to visit E. ( https://lenster.xyz/posts/0xd3a4-0x27 ). But this time, I chose according to the distance of the accommodation to Berlin: I looked for options within a certain travel time because I want to be in the Mauerpark on Sunday. I found this wonderful hotel and without even taking a look to Wikipedia about this place, I booked it. During the trip (and also for almost the rest of the day 😅 ), I’ve been working on a new article. I’m writing about an artefact I’ve been working on since 2021. Unfortunately, I can’t reveal more details until the article is submitted and accepted. Tests for the new article Big things big BIG THINGS are coming up for Lufo Art starting July 1st. Do you want to know what it is? Ok, I’ll give you a hint and you complete the sentence: I’ll _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my drawings But tell me dear reader… How do you choose your destinies?Do you have traditions? Good night 🚆🦦 Lufo