Tag: travel

intensity III

Intensity III: The Tower of London (163)

03/05/2015, London, United Kingdom 🇬🇧 This is the 3rd sketch from the trip I made to London in 2015 (1st [link to 153], 2nd [link to 154]). Today’s scene portraits a spot of the city where the old and the modern architecture meet: The Tower of London. The Tower of London served as a castle, prison, fortress, royal palace and many other things. In medieval times it was said that “no one escapes from the Tower of London”. However, on August 1, 1323, Roger Mortimer did escape, thus taking refuge in France and becoming the lover of the English Queen Isabella of France, married to Edward II. This escape and the story of love with Isabella was one of the strongest ingredients for the beginning of the 100 years war between England and France. Everything is thoroughly described in the 5th and 6th books of “The Cursed Kings” by Maurice Druon. When I made this trip I was reading (actually, re-reading) The Cursed Kings (you can see in the background of the picture the 2nd book “The Strangled Queen” – in Spanish “La Reina Estrangulada”). The seven books of this series traveled with me during those days, as I found them the perfect complement to visit France and England. But tell me dear reader… Which books would you bring for travelling through France and England?What do you think about this meetings of medieval and modern architecture? Good evening 🌚 NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻here 👈🏻

A world of perspectives (162)

11/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Salue, chère lectrice! Another amazing day at the Mauerpark is over. Today’s experience has filled me with great numbers and feedback from my customers. I have sold out of several motifs and drawing sizes, so this week I will need to replenish my stock quite urgently. At some point during the day I was thinking: how glad I am to have as my “job” an activity where I am not told what to do, I am not criticised or envied (or at least not openly 😂), where the “colleagues” I have around are great and kind to me… and where everything goes smoothly… During the last part of the market, a friend came over and helped me with the selling and packing. She really got into the role and after a few customers she was already explaining and interacting with them very naturally. At some point I also had the lovely visit from I., who came by to greet me with her bright smile. All in all, a splendid day! But tell me dear reader… How was Sunday?What do you think about the distribution of the stand? Good evening 🦉🛸 NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻here 👈🏻

Learning to fly

Learning to Fly (161)

22/11/2020, Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹 Today I spoke about you. Actually, I remember you very often. You are like a tattoo in my mind, my life, my words, and in my idea of life and death. You are like the fusion of several things that look like something, but in reality are none of them if one looks at the whole. The day I drew this was your birthday, and you were already very close to leaving this world. Probably, you already knew that… probably, you were trying to shout it out loud so that someone would save you at the last minute… or probably, you were intentionally avoiding all that, so that no one would feel pity for you. You are nowhere. You are everywhere. Since the year 2020. And since 2021. Today, I almost cried again remembering your eyes, your despair after work and before being hugged. You flew, although you never took off. You went deep into the ground, although you became air. Hermetic message, cryptographic lines dedicated to a person who will never read it. Evident feelings of the incomprehensible pain of knowing that you no longer breathe. But tell me dear reader… … nothing… today, better not to say anything else. Good night ❤️ NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻here 👈🏻

And if I become very tiny?

And if I become very tiny? (159)

Ink and pencils 11/03/2016, Salerno, Italy 🇮🇹 Do you remember, dear reader, those days when I used to teach drawing in Italy? [link to 068]. Today’s drawing is another exercise I used to give. In this case, the focus was to think of everyday things as something different. With that aim, I used to invite students to use their own phone and to draw it several times, changing the point of view and making compositions as if they were buildings of a city. The game was to see something as familiar as their phone and see it as an ant would see it. By changing the point of view, students are likely to better understand the relationship between the external morphology of a building (e.g. when viewed from a taller building), and the quality of the interior space (i.e. when they enter and experience the building as human beings). I used to do these kind of explorations since I was very young: I remember making drawings of my parents’ house as if I were seeing it from a bird’s perspective, and then switching to a very low viewpoint, as a child would see the same house. But tell me dear reader… With what daily element would you like to create a city?How will you call a sunrise with a rising apple? Applerise? Good evening 🥰🫶🏻🍹 NFT You can collect this post as NFT using Lens, check it out 👉🏻here 👈🏻