Tag: berlin

Running all Day I

Running all Day I (194)

Today I’ll introduce you the session I of “Running all Day”, my new drawing. Keep reading to know how this artwork was born…. 26/06/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 June, as the month of movement Some weeks ago I started a new drawing that, for several reasons, I couldn’t share until today. Among those reasons I can say that June was a convulsive month, with ups and downs after the hack I suffered in which I lose my web3 profile. Also due to this reason, I jumped some days on my daily posts that I’m still trying to get back on track. June was also the month in which new things came: the opening of my physical atelier/shop/gallery at the Berlin Workstadt, which was a big decision to take. Also, the travel I did for my birthday that nicely distracted me a bit. And finally, the fact that for different reasons the creative meetings started to get less frequents, and with that also my productivity. In any case, I didn’t give it a second thought to these reduction of my creative and sharing activities: I want to keep the idea of the daily posts and the creative meetings as a something really spontaneous that gives me pleasure, right as they were born. But let’s jump into the drawing. Running all Day (I) Running all Day was born from listening to the music of Nodarling. The guitarist and singer of the band, Quique del Bianco, also sells his drawings at the Mauerpark. His stand is in front of mine and every Sunday I have the pleasure to exchange a couple of ideas and nice words with him. In one of those conversations Quique mentioned Nodarling. The day after, I listened to their last album: Space Rider during my creative breakfast at the Unser Café. I was shocked by their music, an energetic psychedelic rock with all the power and strength of an exciting space trip. Quite an experience! I didn’t know what to do when I started the drawing… I just had in mind to do a three vanishing point drawing so to keep completing the collection with Escher-like effects that I started to explore with A Wizard Without a Shadow and How Many Perspectives Are There? (see a partial collection of these artworks here. However, I drop some lines, and the music did the rest, here is the result: But tell me dear reader… How do you like my new drawing?Have you heard Nodarling before? Good night 🛸🤘🏻

M6 Landsberger Allee

M6 Landsberger Allee (193)

M6 Landsberger Allee is a (sort of) urban sketch that I did while travelling in Berlin using the tram M6 and the Ring Bahn S41. Here its story: 12/07/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Taking the M6 tram at Lansberger Allee This morning I opened the Berlin Workstadt and took my shift until 13. The morning was calm and uneventful, just a couple of persons entered but nothing really big happened. As the morning was calm, I replied some emails and then worked on an app that I’m developing (nothing really fancy, just something for taking care of my finances and the markets). Also during the morning, I coordinated with two persons offering things through the group Free Your Stuff Berlin. First, with a girl that offered a Matisse painting in an aluminium frame, and second with a guy offering some colour cardboards that I can certainly use for the markets. After my shift at the Berlin Workstadt, I headed my way to the house of Alex and Ono in Prenzlauer Berg. These fellas are two beautiful cats that I sit from time to time since August 2021. I spent the afternoon with them, working a little bit more. Then I headed my destination to pick up the painting and the cardboards. During my trip, I started to draw on my phone, initially just faces and then capturing the people around me. I took the two pictures without the authorisation of the involved subjects, who where so concentrated on their phones that they didn’t even realise I drew them, right as that guy on the M2 that I drew time ago. The stuff and some surprises The Matisse print is bigger than I imaged, around 1,2m wide and 40 cm high. Initially, I thought I’d re use the frame for one of my paintings. But now that I see the image called “Women and Monkeys“, I’m considering to keep it, it is a really nice composition. When I arrived to the second point, the guy who received me saw me with the big frame and immediately offered me more frames and paintings. Of course, I was very curious to see what we had. In the end, I finished picking up a big frame of 1×0.7m and a smaller squared frame of around 40 cm that I’d probably use for (Labyrinth 01). But tell me dear reader… I insist with this question: would you be upset if I draw you without your consent?Do you have cats? Good evening 🐈‍⬛🐈 Lufo

Lufo Art en el Berlin Workstadt (185)

Hoy es el glorioso día en que Lufo Art empezó a tener un stand permanente en la tienda Berlin Workstadt. Siga leyendo estimada lectora, para saber cómo fue este primer día y conocer quién fue mi primer cliente… 04/07/2023, Berlín, Alemania 🇩🇪 Lufo Art en el Berlin Workstadt El post de hoy es una actualización de el anuncio que hice hace un par de días. Esta mañana fui a montar mi stand en el Berlin Workstadt de Berlín y ya está todo listo. Fue un día largo, con muchas idas y venidas. Era la primera vez que montaba mis cosas en este espacio, así que tuve que probar muchas cosas antes de decidirme por algo. Bárbara de Colección Emma fue la primera artista del Workstadt en aparecer esta mañana. Ella es chilena y arquitecta, y dedica toda su creatividad a hacer ropa increíble con telas recicladas y de diferentes tipos. Bárbara se enamoró de mis dibujos y fue mi primera compradora 🥰🫶🏻 Al mediodía almorcé con G., con quien estoy preparando algo muy bonito para una nueva instalación 👀. Justo después del agradable almuerzo en Hamburger Bahnhof junto al río, volví de nuevo al Berlin Workstadt, donde permanecí hasta unos minutos después de las 20:00. A pesar del largo día, volví a casa con la gran satisfacción de tener el stand ya montado. Mañana será otro día ajetreado, tengo que comprar algunas cosas para embellecer aún más mi lugar… Espero que les guste la configuración actual del stand. Si estás en Berlín, ¡pasen a saludar! Pero dígame estimada lectora… ¿También fue este martes un glorioso día para usted?¿Qué almorzó? Buenas noches 🥗🪩 Lufo

Lufo Art at the Berlin Workstadt

Lufo Art at the Berlin Workstadt (185)

Today is the glorious day in which Lufo Art started to have a permanent stand at the Berlin Workstadt shop. Keep reading to know how did it go and to find out about my first client! 04/07/2023, Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Lufo Art at the Berlin Workstadt Today’s post is an update of the announcement I made a couple of days ago. This morning I went to set up my stand at the Berlin Workstadt and it’s all ready to go. It has been a long day, with a lot of comings and goings. It was my first time setting up my stuff in this space, so I needed to try a lot of things before I settled on something. Barbara from Emma Collection was the first artist to appear this morning. She is Chilean and an architect, and dedicates all her creativity to making amazing clothes with recycled and different kinds of fabrics. Barbara fell in love with my drawings, and she was my first buyer! 🥰🫶🏻 At noon, I had lunch with G., with whom I am preparing something very nice for a new installation 👀. Right after the nice lunch at Hamburger Bahnhof by the river, I head back to the Berlin Workstadt, where I stayed until a few minutes after 8 p.m. Despite the long day, I returned home with the great satisfaction of having the stand already set up. Tomorrow will be another busy day, I have to buy some things to make my place even more beautiful… I hope you like the current stand set-up. If you are in Berlin, come and say hello! But tell me dear reader… Was this Tuesday also glorious for you?What did you have for lunch? Good evening 🥗🪩 Lufo